Collection: Thrombophilia Tests and Packages

Thrombophilia tests are a group of tests that are used to detect inherited or acquired conditions that increase the risk of developing blood clots. These tests are usually ordered when a person has a history of recurrent blood clots or if there is a family history of blood clots.

The tests used to diagnose thrombophilia includes;

  1. Antithrombin assay: This test measures the level of antithrombin, a protein that helps prevent blood clots.
  2. Protein C and Protein S assay: These tests measure the levels of protein C and protein S, which are natural anticoagulants that help to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  3. Factor V Leiden mutation analysis: This test looks for a genetic mutation that causes resistance to activated protein C, a protein that helps to prevent blood clots.
  4. Prothrombin mutation analysis: This test looks for a genetic mutation that increases the risk of developing blood clots by increasing the production of prothrombin, a protein that helps to form blood clots.
  5. Lupus anticoagulant test: This test detects the presence of antibodies that can interfere with the normal clotting process and increase the risk of blood clots.
  6. Homocysteine level: This test measures the level of homocysteine, an amino acid that has been linked to an increased risk of blood clots when elevated.

It's important to note that not all people with thrombophilia develop blood clots, and not all blood clots are caused by thrombophilia. Therefore, the interpretation of these tests and the management of thrombophilia should be done in consultation with a healthcare provider.

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