How to Test for Testosterone? - healthcare nt sickcare

How to Test for Testosterone?

Has fatigue, low libido or erectile issues plaguing you of late despite leading a healthy lifestyle? Getting your testosterone levels checked might be insightful. The male sex hormone plays a key role beyond just reproduction by regulating energy, muscular health and even emotional well-being. Let’s evaluate when T-level testing should be considered to avoid complications of its deficiency.

Testosterone is a crucial male sex hormone that plays many roles beyond just sexual health and reproduction. Getting your testosterone level checked is important to ensure this hormone is balanced.

What is a Testosterone Test?

A testosterone blood test measures the amount of circulating testosterone hormone in the body. It requires a simple blood draw. Abnormal levels can indicate certain health conditions.

Understanding Testosterone Hormone in Males

Testosterone, belonging to the androgen group of hormones, is produced primarily in the testes and adrenal glands in men. It plays vital functions like:

  • 👪 Sperm production
  • 💪 Building muscle mass and strength
  • 🚶🏋️ Facilitating overall fitness capacity
  • 🧠 Enabling focus, confidence and cognition
  • 🤏 Lower levels as men age causes related issues

Having optimal levels is key for feeling and functioning at one’s best.

Major Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Consider getting a blood test if these persist beyond a few weeks:

  • 😪 Chronic tiredness, exhaustion
  • 🔥 Reduced intimacy drive, fewer nighttime erections
  • 🍌 Softer, smaller erections with difficulty sustaining
  • 👴 Loss of facial, pubic and body hair
  • 🏋️ Diminished strength in absence of injury, training lapses
  • 😑 Mood issues like irritability, trouble focusing

The wide-ranging symptoms tend to emerge gradually over years as T levels drop.

What Causes Testosterone Deficiency?

Age, health conditions or lifestyle factors can lower T levels:

  • 🧓 Natural decline with ageing over 30 years
  • 🧬 Genetic conditions like pituitary gland issues or Klinefelter syndrome
  • 🌡️ Medical disorders e.g. chronic illness, obesity, diabetes
  • ⚕️ Opioid pain medicines, steroids or chemotherapy
  • 🚭 Smoking, heavy alcohol abuse
  • 💉 Past anabolic steroid usage

Finding the trigger allows focused correction.

Forecasting Complications of Prolonged Low Testosterone

Over years, critically low levels can precipitate risks like:

  • ⏳ Earlier onset male menopause
  • 🧠 Decline in spatial cognition, impacting work
  • 🏋️ Loss of muscle mass replaced by body fat
  • 😧 Depression, mood swings and even brain fog
  • 💢 Higher inflammatory circulatory markers
  • 🫀 Adverse liver or heart disease biochemical changes

Proactively restoring optimal balance prevents such complications.

How to Test for Testosterone?

There are a few different ways to test for testosterone levels:

  1. Blood test: This is the most common and accurate way to measure testosterone. A blood sample is taken, usually in the morning when testosterone levels are highest, and sent to a lab for analysis. Both total testosterone and free (bioavailable) testosterone can be measured.
  2. Saliva test: With this method, a small amount of saliva is collected and analyzed for testosterone levels. Saliva tests measure bioavailable or free testosterone only. Results correlate well with blood tests.
  3. Urine test: A urine sample can also be analyzed to check testosterone levels, though blood and saliva tests are more common and considered more accurate.
  4. Screening questionnaires: While not a direct test, some doctors use questionnaires about symptoms like low libido, fatigue, muscle loss, etc. to screen for possible low testosterone before ordering lab tests.

For the most accurate results, blood tests are recommended and samples should be taken early in the morning. Providers may also test related hormones like LH, FSH, estradiol, SHBG to get the full picture. Testing may be done periodically to monitor testosterone replacement therapy as well.

Proper testing is important as both high and low testosterone levels in men and women can cause health issues. Working with an endocrinologist or urologist experienced in hormone testing is advisable.

How to Diagnose Testosterone Deficiency?

If symptomatic, diagnosis steps include:

  • 🚪 Clinical history and physical examination
  • 🩸 Blood test measuring total testosterone levels - checks free versus bound hormone

The reference lab ranges are:

300-1,000 ng/dL (Nanograms per decilitre)

Further assessments sometimes needed are:

  • ❗ Repeat morning blood samples to confirm
  • ❗ Free testosterone calculation - the bioavailable portion
  • ❗ Other pituitary and sex hormone tests

Based on the reports, suitable treatment gets planned.

Restoring Low Testosterone Levels to Normal Range

Treatment approaches incorporate:

  • 💊 Testosterone replacement oral pills or injections
  • 🧘‍♂️ Stress reduction and sufficient sleep
  • 🚯 Limiting alcohol, smoking cessation
  • 🍳 Balanced nutritious anti-inflammatory diets
  • 🏋️ Regular strength training exercises
  • ⚕️ Managing underlying health conditions

With diligent monitoring and required lifestyle adjustments, low testosterone levels can certainly be restored, allowing you to feel energized and healthier again!

Video on Why Testosterone Test is Important

#testosterone #menshealth #wellness

Who Needs Testosterone Testing?

Testing may be recommended for those with symptoms of low or high testosterone. This includes men struggling with sexual dysfunction, mood issues, muscle loss, infertility, gynaecomastia, etc.

Do testosterone level fluctuate during the day?

Yes, T levels are generally highest in morning and taper as day progresses. Ideal to get blood drawn before 10 am for accurate baseline values after overnight fasting.

How often should T levels be checked?

Get first baseline after age 30 then every 2 years unless symptomatic. Annual checks after age 40. If on treatment, monitor T levels every 3 months along with prostate antigen tests.

Can diet changes increase testosterone?

Yes, reducing inflammatory foods, having zinc and magnesium rich fare and healthy fats aids natural T production while cutting alcohol and trans fats lowers estrogen effects.

Is male menopause reversible?

Yes, male menopause equivalent to andropause referring to age related testosterone decline in men can be treated through testosterone replacement therapy along with lifestyle measures to restore optimal levels.

Importance of Testosterone Screening

Routine testosterone testing establishes a baseline level, while optimal testosterone levels help:

  • Maintain lean muscle mass and strength
  • Keep bones strong
  • Improve mood and thinking ability
  • Enhance libido and sexual functioning

How It Works? Follow these steps

Regain your verve and wellness through expert guidance. Follow simple steps:

  • ⬅️ Tap INTO your symptoms during online consult
  • 🩸 Book testosterone lab test & sample home collection
  • 🔬 Get free test interpretation support
  • ↔️ Doctor prescribes targeted treatment plan
  • 😀 Follow prescription and wellness advice

Your revitalized energetic best awaits! Call healthcare nt sickcare now.


Our video elaborates on why maintaining healthy testosterone levels matters for wellbeing. healthcare nt sickcare provides accurate and affordable testosterone testing for screening and diagnosis. To learn more or book a test, call +91 9766060629 or order online today. Investing in healthy testosterone helps men thrive.

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