Why Get a Full Body Checkup Done Regularly?
Regular health checkups are crucial for detecting diseases early and monitoring your overall well-being. A full body checkup allows you to understand how your body is functioning and take timely corrective actions. If you are looking for an extensive health evaluation in Pune, this guide will help you understand the tests included, find the right hospital and get the most out of your full body health screening.
What is a Full Body Checkup?
A full body checkup, also known as a general health checkup or preventive health checkup, is a set of medical tests that examine the functioning of your entire body. It goes beyond just checking blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The tests check the health of major organs like the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs etc. along with scanning for any abnormalities or diseases. The wide range of tests helps detect health problems like diabetes, cholesterol issues, cancer, infections etc. in the early stages before any symptoms show up.
Why Get a Full Body Checkup Done Regularly?
Getting a regular full body medical checkup done, even if you feel healthy, has several benefits:
- Detect issues early: Any underlying conditions can be caught in the initial stages when they are easier to treat. This improves prognosis.
- Monitor health status: You can track health parameters over time to assess improvement or worsening.
- Reduce the risk of diseases: Diagnosing issues early allows for lifestyle changes and treatment to reduce the risk of diseases like heart attack, stroke, kidney issues etc.
- Peace of mind: You can be assured of your good health status or take corrective actions if required. Knowing prevents worry.
- Prevent complications: Catching something like diabetes early prevents it from causing further complications to health.
The Indian Medical Association recommends a full body checkup after age 30, repeated every 5 years for low-risk groups and every 1–2 years for high-risk groups like diabetics.
What All are Included in a Full Body Checkup?
A comprehensive full body health checkup includes a wide range of tests to examine all major systems and organs. Here are some of the crucial parameters evaluated:
- Physical examination: Height, weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, heart sounds, abdomen examination etc.
- Blood tests: Complete blood count, blood sugar, kidney function, liver function, lipid profile, thyroid profile, vitamins etc. These identify deficiencies, diabetes, cholesterol issues, kidney, or liver problems etc.
- Urine tests: Examination of a urine sample for sugar, proteins etc. signals kidney disorders, diabetes etc.
- Cardiac tests: ECG, stress test on a treadmill or echocardiogram screens the heart condition.
- Imaging tests: X-rays and ultrasounds examine lungs, abdomen, pelvis etc. for abnormalities.
- Cancer screening: PAP smear, mammogram, and cancer marker blood tests help detect cancers of the breast, cervix, ovaries, prostate etc.
- Additional tests: Colonoscopy, audiometry, eye examination etc. may be done based on risk profile.
Hospitals have executive health checkup packages that include these tests with options. Diagnostic centres also offer full body checkup options.
Where to Get a Full Body Checkup Done in Pune?
Pune offers high-quality full body diagnostic health checks in hospitals and specialized clinics. Some leading facilities are:
- Ruby Hall Clinic: A trusted multi-speciality hospital providing comprehensive Executive Health Checkup packages.
- Jehangir Hospital: A leading hospital with a Preventive Health Checkup program customized based on age and gender.
- Sahyadri Hospitals: Offers Health Enhance packages that can include up to 57 diagnostic tests.
- healthcare nt sickcare: An ISO-certified diagnostics lab with full body or organ-specific checkup options.
Check credentials like NABH or NABL certification when choosing a facility. Also consider the convenience of location, cost, and accuracy of reports.
How to prepare for a full body checkup?
Preparing properly helps gets accurate test results from your full body medical examination. Here are some tips:
- Do not eat anything 8–12 hours before the scheduled blood tests and arrive with an empty stomach.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking the night before the tests.
- Inform your doctor about any medications you take and allergies.
- Know the date of the last menstrual period for women, as it impacts some test results.
- Wear comfortable clothing without metal items for any scans.
- Carry previous medical reports, family history records etc.
- Arrive on time or earlier to complete formalities and tests comfortably.
What to Expect During the Checkup?
The full body health screening takes around 2–4 hours. The major steps are:
- Registration and paperwork formalities.
- Physical examination by a doctor: weight, blood pressure, checking eyes, heart, abdomen etc.
- Blood and urine sample collection for laboratory tests.
- Radiology tests like X-rays, mammograms, and ultrasound-guided by technicians.
- Cardiac tests like ECG, echocardiogram or stress test on a treadmill.
- Additional tests like PAP smear for women.
- Post-test consultation with the doctor to go over results.
- Report generation with future health advice.
Knowing the flow in advance reduces anxiety. Share any symptoms or concerns during the doctor consultation.
How to follow up after the checkup?
Once your full body medical examination is completed, take these steps for proper follow-up:
- Review the test reports carefully and discuss concerns with your doctor.
- Schedule evaluations for any abnormal results that require further investigation.
- Make lifestyle changes to manage health risks spotted, like increased exercise for high cholesterol.
- Take prescribed medications regularly and get recommended tests done.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle and address risk factors to prevent issues in future.
- Get periodic follow-up checkups as advised by your doctor.
The full body health checkup gives you an objective assessment of your overall well-being. Leveraging the findings and your doctor’s guidance can help you live a healthy life.
Which hospital is best for a full body checkup in Pune?
Some leading hospitals for comprehensive health checkups in Pune are Ruby Hall Clinic, Jehangir Hospital, Sahyadri Hospitals and Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital. Look for NABH or NAIL-certified facilities. healthcare nt sickcare pathology laboratory offers health checkups in Pune at affordable charges and at the patient's convenience.
What is the cost of a full body checkup in Pune?
The cost for a complete full body health screening can range from ₹2500 to ₹12000 at hospitals and healthcare centres in Pune. Several factors like the number of tests, hospital fees etc. impact the price. Many labs offer custom packages to suit specific budgets.
Is a full body checkup covered by insurance?
Many health insurance policies cover annual health checkup costs, including full body medical tests up to a certain limit. Check with your provider if preventive tests are covered under your policy and what documents are required for the claim.
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